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Today news Kolkata rape-murder case highlights: IMA reiterates demand for central law on violence against doctors


Kolkata rape-murder case highlights: IMA reiterates demand for central law on violence against doctors

  • Kolkata rape-murder case highlights: The human rights commission issued notice to Kolkata Police commissioner over ‘excessive force’ use on protesters.

Junior doctors take part in a protest rally over the rape and murder of a trainee doctor of RG Kar Medical College & Hospital in Kolkata (HT Photo)

Kolkata rape-murder case live updates: 2 security guards held for 'assaulting' doctors, nursing staff at Kolkata hospital

Kolkata rape-murder case live updates: Two security guards were arrested on Saturday for allegedly assaulting doctors and other staff members at a hospital in the Cossipore area of the city, police said. Officials indicated that the guards were likely intoxicated at the time of the incident.

"The matter is under investigation. We arrested the guards after receiving a complaint from the hospital authorities," said an officer from Cossipore Police Station.

A senior hospital official also alleged that the guards had threatened him with severe consequences.

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