Delhi New Chief Minister Live Updates, September 17: A day after Arvind Kejriwal sent shockwaves across political circles saying that he would step down as the chief minister of Delhi, the AAP chief is set to meet Lieutenant Governor (L-G) V K Saxena on Tuesday at 4.30 pm. Sources in Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) said that Kejriwal is likely to tender his resignation today. But before that, the party will announce its new CM face.
Who is likely to be the next CM?
The announcement will be made after the conclusion of the AAP Legislative party meeting. This comes a day after Kejriwal held one-on-one meetings with key leaders and discussions with members of AAP’s Political Affairs Committee (PAC). Post his deliberations, Atishi has emerged as the frontrunner for the post of the CM. Earlier, Kejriwal had ruled out the possibility of former deputy chief minister and AAP second-in-command Manish Sisodia taking over.